Although the style of fighting which involves kicking a man when he is down , gouging out his eyes , and kicking him in the testicles does not appeal to the average american , we must forget the marquise of queensberry and his often violated rules of sportsman like combat when dealing with our jap and nazi enemies 尽管这种风格的格斗包括一些普通美国人难得见到的东西:当对手倒地时猛踢他、挖他的眼睛、踢他的裆,但是在对付日本和纳粹敌人的时候,我们必须忘记那位昆士伯利的侯爵以及他那种经常犯规的竞技运动式格斗的规则(指英国“昆士伯利拳击规则” ? ?译注) 。